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Daniel Andrews Press Conference Today Live

Victoria Records Another 41 COVID Cases and 5 Deaths

Andrews Unveils State's Roadmap Out of Lockdown

Andrews to Step Down as Premier after Nine Years

Victoria has recorded another 41 cases of COVID-19 and 5 further deaths, bringing the state's total number of cases to 8,758 and deaths to 154.

Premier Daniel Andrews has unveiled the state's long-awaited roadmap out of COVID, which will see restrictions gradually eased over the coming months.

The roadmap outlines four steps that Victoria will need to take to reach its target of zero new cases per day: stay at home restrictions, easing of restrictions, further easing of restrictions, and 'COVID normal'.

The state is currently in the 'stay at home' phase, which will remain in place until the number of new cases drops significantly.

In other news, Premier Daniel Andrews has announced he will be stepping down from his role as Victorian premier after nine years.

Andrews said he would remain as premier until the end of the year, but would not seek re-election.

His resignation comes amid a period of intense scrutiny of his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Andrews has been praised by some for his decisive action in shutting down the state early in the pandemic, but has also been criticized for his handling of the hotel quarantine program, which led to a second wave of infections.

In the wake of Andrews' resignation, there has been speculation about who will replace him as premier.

Some of the potential candidates include Treasurer Tim Pallas, Health Minister Martin Foley, and former Labor leader Bill Shorten.

Finally, Victorians are divided after Daniel Andrews was awarded the nation's highest honor, the Order of Australia.

Some people believe that Andrews deserves the award for his leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic, while others believe that he does not deserve the award due to his handling of the hotel quarantine program.
